Coverage for the journey ahead

Feeling frazzled?

Before stress gets the best of you, reach out for help.

The self-funded student health benefit plan offered by the University of California

Looking for proof of UC SHIP coverage?

It’s easy to access your Form 1095-B online. (You may need it to file your tax return.)

See how UC SHIP works

From where to go for care to what you’ll pay for care off-campus, this short video tells you what you need to know about using UC SHIP.


Terms to know

Because benefits come with a vocabulary of their own.

Waiving coverage

Can you? Should you? Learn when and you can decline UC SHIP coverage.

Where to get care

Learn why you need to start at SHCS before you go elsewhere for care.

Filing a claim

Here’s what you need to know about getting reimbursed for care you receive out of network.

Mobile apps

UC SHIP and your providers are just a tap away when you download these mobile apps.

How to get involved

Want to help steer UC SHIP? Here’s how to join the crew.