Mental Health

What you need to know

Your UC SHIP coverage includes both inpatient and outpatient care for mental health and substance use. As with some other services, for your care to be covered by UC SHIP, you need a referral to see a provider outside Student Health Services, except for LiveHealth Online.

Covered services and resources

Within the UC SHIP network, you have access to mental health and substance use services through Student Health Services, LiveHealth Online, and the Anthem Blue Cross network.

For details about inpatient and outpatient mental health and substance use services covered by UC SHIP, review the UC Santa Barbara Benefit Booklet [PDF].

24/7 support on campus

Student Health Service (SHS) offers even more support for your emotional well-being.

LiveHealth Online

When you’re overwhelmed by stress, depression, anxiety, lack of focus, or other issues, you can see a therapist virtually, wherever you are, through LiveHealth Online. Your session will last 45 minutes, and you can set up a return visit with the same or a different provider if you want to.

Take the following steps to schedule a visit:

  1. Sign up or log in to LiveHealth Online.
  2. On the top navigation bar, choose Therapy.
  3. Select your therapist and schedule a visit.

You’ll pay nothing to see a therapist via LiveHealth Online. For more information, see the LiveHealth Online flyer

Anthem Blue Cross network

You’ll generally pay less for inpatient and outpatient care when you visit network providers. See what you pay for office visits.

Out-of-network providers

Typically, you’ll pay more for out-of-network care. See what you’ll pay for office visits.


Student Health Services (SHS)

Your first stop for care on campus
Main number: (805) 893-3371
Counseling and psychological services (CAPS): (805) 893-4411
Alcohol and drug program: (805) 893-5013
SHS website
SHS email
M/C 7002
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7002

LiveHealth Online

Urgent virtual medical and mental health care
LiveHealth Online website
LiveHealth Online mental health website

Anthem Blue Cross network

UC SHIP customer service
(866) 940-8306