
Registered students

All registered domestic and international students and students in absentia are automatically enrolled in UC SHIP.

Students who provide proof they have other health coverage that meets the university’s requirements may apply to waive UC SHIP coverage.


When you’re covered under UC SHIP, you can enroll your eligible dependents in the plan too. They’ll have the same great medical, pharmacy, dental, vision and mental health coverage you do. The following dependents are eligible for UC SHIP coverage:

  • Legally married spouse
  • Same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partner
  • Child(ren) under the age of 26, including:
    • Biological child(ren)
    • Stepchild(ren) (A stepchild becomes a dependent on the date you marry the child’s parent.)
    • Child(ren) of your domestic partner
    • Adopted child(ren) from the date of placement with you, as certified by the agency making the placement (includes a child placed with you for the purpose of adoption)
    • Foster child(ren) under the age of 18 (A foster child becomes your dependent from the moment they are placed with you, as certified by the agency making the placement.)
    • Child(ren) for whom you are legally required to provide health insurance in accordance with an administrative or court order, provided that the child otherwise meets UC SHIP eligibility requirements

Note: If you and your co-parent are both covered under UC SHIP, your child(ren) can be covered as your dependent(s) or your co-parent’s dependent(s), but not as a dependent of both of you.


Newborns of enrolled UC SHIP members (students, eligible spouse or domestic partner) are covered for the first 31 days after birth, provided Anthem is notified within this time period. For coverage beyond that first 31 days, the newborn must be enrolled in UC SHIP as a dependent within 31 days of birth.

You must meet certain enrollment criteria to continue your UC SHIP coverage as a non-registered student.


Student Health Center (SHC)

Your first stop for care on campus
Main number: (949) 824-5301
Medical and psychiatry appointments: (949) 824-5304
Dental clinic appointments: (949) 824-5307
Insurance services: (949) 824-2388
SHC website

501 Student Health, corner of East Peltason and Pereira drives
(Bldg. 5 on the campus map)

Dental clinic
Across the street from the main SHC, also at the corner of East Peltason and Pereira drives
(Bldg. 6 on the campus map)

Academic HealthPlans

(855) 427-3167: Purchase UC SHIP coverage
(855) 247-2273: IRS Form 1095-B
Academic HealthPlans email
1095-B Form email